“Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face evermore!”
‘Pray’ is the one song on the album that I have written that isn’t directly related to my personal testimony as such. God gave me this song one day as I was playing my guitar in worship to Him. As I was writing the lyrics, I began to feel a tremendous weight rest on me. This weight was accompanied by a great sense of urgency in my spirit. I felt God’s heart. He was showing me that He had won the war. The victory was His at the cross; however, we all still have battles to fight. Christ hasn’t returned yet, but He is coming and His return is imminent. I felt a sense of urgency for people to give their hearts over to Him and to put down their guards - to bow their knee (pride) and pray in the name of Christ!
The urgency I felt wasn’t for the world. It was for the Body of Christ and its current state.
God was showing me that it is more important than ever before for us to hear His voice, His words and His thoughts, and pray according to HIS will.
We need room for the Holy Spirit to move in the Body of Christ, but I feel as though we are shutting Him out! We need to be training our fingers, our minds and our hearts for battle, but we can’t do that without the Holy Spirit. The battle isn’t over, and Jesus is coming. There is still a job to be done.
There are people who need US.
“ If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
My Vision from God.
In my vision I saw a tornado ripping though a building, tearing down the walls and ripping up the flooring and everything inside. I knew that the building I was seeing represented the Church - the Body of Christ.
The tornado was large and it was on a mission. It was ripping things up and throwing things aside.
Everything that I saw being ripped up represented something - a person, a doctrine, an agenda, a religious spirit etc. Nothing was hidden from the path of the tornado.
For a moment, it looked as though the tornado would destroy the Church completely, but then I saw God running alongside the tornado. He was serious, and yet joyful and smiling as He ran. I sensed that He was joyful because He knew that the Body wasn’t going to be destroyed, but rather made whole.
I saw the tornado rip certain things up which I knew in my spirit would never return.
Then I saw things being ripped up and replanted, firmly in the correct place and in order. Once they were replanted, they could never be shaken again!
God explained to me that there is a work to do in the Body of Christ and that He is coming like a tornado to tear down strongholds, agenda’s, religious spirits and anything contrary to His word and His will. He is coming to restore the Church and put those in place that are chosen by Him to be there. Once in order, they will not be moved!
“I am coming to attach the Head to the Body,” He said.
This song, 'Pray', along with this prophetic vision has served as a reminder to me of the times we live in and the importance of the work that is yet to be accomplished. God needs you and me to be intentional about serving Him, about hearing His voice and responding in obedience.
I pray for you and all those who hear this song, that you would see the beauty and joy set before you in Christ, as you walk in faith and covenant relationship with Him. May you experience the thrill of being seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. May you experience the hope of a future in Him and with Him. May your eyes be opened to the honour and pleasure of serving Him through this life and into the next.
In Love,
Hannah Fay